High winds stops camp activities and all snug in preparing Saturday evening

The drifts in the trenches
Winds picked up in the morning hours from 20 kn to 28kn and before noon we had to call the firn-gas team back from their site 1.4 km from camp. The high winds gave a cold and drafty dome and some time was spent foaming the holes around the windows and between the panels. In the science trench it was decided to start processing the main NEEM ice core from the pilot hole in lack of S2 and S3 cores. The inclined entrance to the drill trench drifted badly in and it was quiet a swim to enter or exit.

The chefs Trevor and Thomas
We have several sick people in camp – probably a French bug brought to camp during the last flight period. One of our head chefs for the Saturday evening meal – Simon – was sick, but with the help of several volunteers we had a perfect three course meal: spiced shrimps, marinated lamb with vegetables and crepes with berries and whipped cream. Thanks to Trevor, Thomas and volunteers!
S2 (Mainly used for the European Gas Programs)
No gas pumping today
Processed ice core: bag 42 (depth: 23.1m)
S3 (Mainly used for US Gas Progams)
No gas pumping today
No ice core processed ice core
S1-Main NEEM ice core Processed ice core: bag 16(8.80m) – 33(18.15m)
What we have done today:
- Continued casing the borehole
- Worked on the exchange system of heat from the generator to the snowmelter
- Continued the construction of the permanent kitchen
- Cut 2.5 cm water isotope samples and measured ECM on S2, S3and S1 main core ice cores
- Reduced firn-gas pumping program due to high winds
- The traverse moved 130 km and stayed overnight at waypoint 30. Opposite the NEEM camp they camped under a blue sky.
Ad1: We did not manage to get running water in the dome as we had hoped. The heat exchange system in the generator needs to be changed to one working in a different temperature regime. This exchange is planned to happen Sunday. As an emergency solution in the storm – showers were taken with a jar of heated water in the shower – the toilet was opened without water and smoking was exceptionally accepted in the bathroom area.
Weather: scattered clouds, drifting snow, -7 - 9 C, wind 20-28 kn from S, visibility 100m
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