The first fuel tank is on sledge

Work in camp: windows in main dome and fuel tank on sledge.
Good weather with slightly higher winds than the previous days. Ground floor windows have been mounted in the dome and the staircase is halfway up. The front door has been prepared to be mounted. The first fuel tank has been mounted on its sledge and we will start testing the fuel pump in a few days. Drill goes on steadily with a few hours of generator problems during the morning. The team still had energy to play Meyer (dice game) at midnight.
Drill depth: 80.17m under 5 May 2008 snow surface (bag 146, 42 cm)
Daily core length: 29.54m in 30 runs;
Total core length: 72.89m
What we have done today:

Enjoying the evening sun outside the kitchen dome.
- Continued drilling the NEEM pilot hole.
- Mounted ground floor windows in the main dome.
- Worked on mounting the staircase between ground and first floor in the main dome.
- Prepared the front door for mounting in the main dome.
- BAS: Stationary radar measurements.
- Placed the first fuel tank on its sledge and tested its ability to be pulled on its sledge.
- Built small shelves in order to free the ice core boxes for the drilled ice cores.
- Inventory and updated lists of the medical equipment in camp.
- Preparing camp for 32 pax by expanding the bed facilities in the weatherports.
- Blowed snow on the passway and around the science trench to seal it.
Weather: blue sky, -21 to -3 C, wind 10-15 knots from SSE, visibility unrestricted.
FL, D. Dahl-Jensen
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