No plane, so building continues

Apart from the look-out tower, the cupola is complete.
Today’s flight was cancelled due to weather, so we continued mounting windows, floors and panels on the top of the main dome.
The flight was cancelled due to overcast and warm weather. The wind was not a problem today. It took a little while for people to adjust to the fact that there was no flight, but after that we had a good day of work in and around the main dome. Sverrir got an extra day to teach Michael all the tips of the mechanic trade, and Blair and Bill got a chance of showing how the cupola panels should be mounted. Peter, Sebastian and Gaël developed into a Velux crew, and they mounted all of the Velux windows. Sarah was as usual spoiling the crew with good food and the plenty of her hobby: Baking cakes. We finished the day by celebrating Danish mid-summer, Sct. Hans, one day delayed, as we had expected a new crew today.
A group photo of camp crew before the big exchange tomorrow. From left to right: Peter, Sebastian, Michael, Blair, Sarah, Bruce, Hasse, Gaël, Sverrir, Claus and Bill (J.P. took the picture).
What we have done today:
- Mounting 5 Velux windows in main dome. Now all Velux windows mounted.
- Laying floor in cupola. Half done.
- Mounting two top panels on cupola roof.
- Tilling center of skiway and taxi and parking area.
- Snow hill for Garage 2 is done. Needs to be levelled.
- Celebrating a delayed Sct. Hans evening (Danish mid-summer celebration).
Weather: Most of the day: Overcast, - 7 to -5°C, 4-2 knots from SW. Poor contrast. Visibility: 3 miles, snow. After 16:00L clearing up. At 20:00L: blue sky, -8°C, 4 knots from SE, visibility unrestricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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