Summer solstice. Greenland national day

A few piles of panels remain as most of the panels have been mounted on the dome.
Now the walls connect to the ground floor, in some places.
Again today we worked in sunshine all day. With this good weather here, weather in Northern Europe is bound to become rainy, cool and windy, as Greenland weather most of the time is opposite from Northern European weather. We got some difficult bottom window panels mounted, and at the same time we had two vehicles on our skiway area to prepare it for next weeks flights. As usual for Saturday, Sverrir setup the shower inside the garage, and everybody got a nice wash before Saturday night dinner. Saturday evening was a pleasant relaxing break for all, and we had a good time. We toasted our best wishes in occasion of the Greenland National Day, and we had Icelandic haddock in celebration of Iceland national day on the 17th.
What we have done today:
- Excavating science trench, now 5.2 m deep.
- Mounting 12 panels on main dome. We have almost half of the bottom row done.
- Grooming taxi-ways and apron with Flexmobile and beamgroomer. Tilling skiway with Pistenbully tiller.
- Maintenance and repairs on 2nd Herman Nelson.
- Saturday evening.
Ad.2: The mounting of panels today was slow going, as most of the panels will contain large windows and therefore need a different way of attachment. Most of the window panels are now mounted.
Ad.3: The snow fall of the past week has given us a new layer of snow to work with on the skiway. This is good, as the tiller now can make a new ice sole on top of the old one without ripping the old one up. We have decided only to use the tiller on the skiway. The apron and taxiways were groomed with the beam groomer, and here we will use the tiller along the center line as a guide for taxiing aircraft. Lead-in flags in both ends of skiway were checked and straightened.
Ad.5: This was the last Saturday evening in camp for many residents, and we all had a pleasant evening.
Weather: blue sky, - 17 to -9 C, 6 knots from SE and S. Visibility: to horizon.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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