Panelling on a good weather day

Gaël is trying to juggle beer kegs. They are empty!
Today weather was surprisingly good to us. As there was almost no wind, it was a pleasure to be outside. However the mounting of panels is now progressing at a slower speed, as the vertical panels on the widest part of the dome are both difficult to mount and they all have to be trimmed. Soon we will see the end of it, as the vertical section is more than halfway complete. Then we need only the bottom panels and the cupola. Michael spent the day servicing the flexmobile with guidance from Sverrir, and J.P. cleaned snowdrifts away from red dome 2 as this dome will become inhabited next week when camp population is expected to grow. The excavation of the science trench is progressing fine.
What we have done today:
- Excavating science trench, now 3.5 m deep.
- Mounting 17 panels on main dome. Now a total of 87 are mounted.
- Service on Flexmobile and routine repairs on belts.
- Removing snow drifts around red dome 2.
Weather: Broken to overcast, - 11 C, 4 knots from W and NW. Visibility: 3-5 miles, very light snow most of the day.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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