The forecasted storm hit us

The wind today was so strong and persistent that the frame of the main dome began to lean so much, we had to secure it by strapping it a parked vehicle.
The forecasted storm hit us last night. Through the night the storm picked up force, and through the day the wind just blew. At the same time we were peppered by new snow and a lot of blowing snow. If we had not covered the drill trench yesterday, it would have been lost. The wind was so strong and persistent, that the main dome steel frame began to lean, and we had to anchor it to sledges and heavy vehicles before it blew off the foundations. On our new meteorological station, the computer display read: “Hold onto your hat!” Boy, that was the truth.
We could do nothing but to hang on, except for Sarah, who cooked us a wonderful meal, Sushi for supper, and the two mechanics, Sverrir and Michael, who worked in the shelter of the garage.
What we have done today:
- Repairing the snow blower, and maintenance on generators.
- Securing the main dome structure from falling in the storm.
- Securing the outhouse from blowing away.
- Waiting out the storm.
Weather: All day, overcast, -8 to -4 C, 24-30 knots from S and SW. Snow and blowing snow. Visibility down to ¼ mile.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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