Big success and break through

Gaël is running the snow blower in the trench – or is it an alien from outer space?
Today we received two flights, one in the morning and one in the evening. The whole operation went like a clockwork. The planes had no difficulties getting off the skiway. In fact, the skiway had improved so much that the 109th upgraded the skiway to receive 22,000 lbs. Two new members of camp team arrived: Peter and Hasse. We are now 11 in camp. The planes brought all the final sections of the main dome. Now construction can begin in earnest. In the evening, all steel beams for the foundation were laid out, and the foot plates in position.
We also continuously blow snow from the drill trench and we are now operating in two shifts.
What we have done today:
- Receiving two flights. Everything went fine. Even with complicated loads the off- and on-load time was 35 minutes.
- Laid out foundation for the main dome. Setting the feet in place.
- Excavating drill trench in two shifts. Depth is now 3.5 m.
- Finishing electrical installations in garage.
- Receiving two new crew members: Peter and Hasse.
Weather: Blue sky all day, -16 to -10 C, 12 knot from S.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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