A feeling of Christmas

When we woke up this morning, we almost felt like Christmas. Big chunky snowflakes were falling. It was overcast with a slight breeze from S and very warm: -9 C. The snow continued during the day and when it cleared up in the evening a 10 cm fresh layer of new fallen snow was everywhere.
People remained busy however. The construction of the garage is drawing to a conclusion and soon we will have a sheltered workshop. We finished adjusting the new snowblower to aid the other one in digging the trenches for drilling and science, but the very minute the new was ready – the old broke down. Our mechanic is never idle.
We did the first science this year. Sebastian and Thomas setup a stable isotope experiment in the snow some 4 km from camp.
What we have done today:
- Grarage frame finished. One end mounted.
- Broke down the old kitchen weatherport.
- Blowing snow along the sides of the drill trench with new snowblower.
- Setting up stable isotope experiment.
- Writing damage report to HIAB on the crane.
- Fixing problem with BGAN communication (had to use new SIM card).
Weather: In the morning overcast: -9 C, 9 knots wind from S. Snow. In the evening broken ceiling, -11 C and 5 knots wind from S.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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