Moving onto main street and receiving visitors for afternoon tea

Dinner in the new dome tent.
Today was the first big move, as we moved the heart of the camp, the kitchen, from the old 3.7m by 6 m weatherport to the new 7.6 m diameter circular dome tent. As the kitchen moved, so did the communications setup and electrical power. During the day everything was moved to the main street of the real NEEM camp. Three of us, who have been living in a standard tent since arrival, moved to Weatherport 5 on main street. Now, the old kitchen stands all alone and abandoned in its snowdrift. It will eventually be moved to the main street where it will become Weatherport 6.
Then it is Saturday. Sverrir rigged a shower system on the snow inside a small tent. Four persons in need of personal hygiene used this opportunity. Armed with a pot of 10 liter hot water each, they managed a beautiful shower standing on a sleeping mat on the snow. People dressed up for a nice and festive Saturday night in our new spacious kitchen.
Sarah cooked us a lovely dinner and told Claus and Hans Christian that she was very satisfied with the new kitchen.
What we have done today:
- Moved into new kitchen.
- Toyota out of its hole and running. Cruising on main street.
- Broke down and moved the old camp, except for the weatherport, which will be moved later.
- Received Liz Morris and Martin Hignell, Scott Polar, who came from the North on a two person one month traverse.
- Mounted shower on snow.
Weather: Nice: -16 C, 3 knots wind from S. Sunshine all day.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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