The 5th plane arrives

A New York Air National Guard Hercules LC-130H arrives on the apron at NEEM camp. Photo: Jim Hedfors, NEEM team.
We were preparing for another day with two flights, but one plane didn’t take off due to engine problems. We received fuel and timber on the plane that made it, and the flight conditions were so good, that the plane took off using only half of the skiway and no rockets were needed. We now have enough fuel until the next flight period in 2 weeks. The plane also took empty pallets, straps and chains back to Kangerlussuaq. After the plane departed, we proceeded with mounting the drive belts on the Pistenbully tracked vehicle. This a tough job involving moving 800 kg of rubber and steel and aligning the belts so that the Pistenbully can be rolled onto the them.
What we have done today:
- Received one flight.
- Erected last weatherport. We now have 6 weatherports up.
- Cleaned out and reorganized kitchen.
- Mounted one belt on the Pistenbully.
- Writing damage report to Kässbohrer about the crane incident.
- Installed stationary VHF radio.
Weather: It was ideal for flying and for work outside: Cold and amost no wind. -26°C to -19°C and 2 m/s wind from SE. Sunshine all day, and in the evening fog.
Sarah, our cook, prepared steaks and baked potatoes for us.
Ad.1: The flight captain, Pete Thalheimer, told us that the skiway had improved dramatically in the last two days. He now has good hopes that the skiway will be upgraded for greater payload during the next flight period.
Field Leader, J.P. Steffensen
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