NEEM publications
The NEEM publication procedure aims at making the publications easily available to the wider community as well as ensuring that all NEEM members are aware of upcoming publications based on NEEM data. The procedure is part of the NEEM data and publication policy, which has been adopted by the Steering Committee. In short, the author(s) presenting new NEEM data should seek prior approval of the publication plans and supply information about the manuscript after acceptance and publication:
- An abstract of the paper (including an author list, preliminary title, and an outline of which data are presented) is sent to the SC chair who circulates the information to the NEEM-members mailing list for approval. At the same time, the title and author list is made available on this page.
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- The published paper should contain the following acknowledgment paragraph:
NEEM is directed and organized by the Center of Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute and US NSF, Office of Polar Programs. It is supported by funding agencies and institutions in Belgium (FNRS-CFB and FWO), Canada (NRCan/GSC), China (CAS), Denmark (FIST), France (IPEV, CNRS/INSU, CEA and ANR), Germany (AWI), Iceland (RannIs), Japan (NIPR), Korea (KOPRI), The Netherlands (NWO/ALW), Sweden (VR), Switzerland (SNF), United Kingdom (NERC) and the USA (US NSF, Office of Polar Programs). - When the manuscript is accepted by a journal, the first author is welcome to supply a preprint which is made available to the NEEM community via a password-protected link in the publication list below. At this stage, the paper will be assigned a number in the series of NEEM publications.
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List of NEEM publications
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Shigeyama W, Nakazawa F, Goto-Azuma K, Homma T, Nagatsuka N, Mateiu RV, Takata M, Azuma N, Dahl-Jensen D,
Microparticles in a deep ice core drilled at NEEM, Greenland: cryogenic scanning electron microscopic observations of location, size, shape, and constituent elements.
Polar Data Journal, 5, 99-124, 2021
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.20575/00000031
Uchida T, Shigeyama W, Oyabu I, Goto-Azuma K, Nakazawa F, Homma T, Kawamura K, Dahl-Jensen D,
Discovery of argon in air-hydrate crystals in a deep ice core using scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
Journal of Glaciology, 1-10.
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1017/jog.2021.115
Kuiper EJN, Weikusat I, de Bresser JHP, Jansen D, Pennock GM, Drury MR
Using a composite flow law to model deformation in the NEEM deep ice core, Greenland – Part 1: The role of grain size and grain size distribution on deformation of the upper 2207 m.
The Cryosphere, 14, 2429–2448. 2020
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.5194/tc-14-2429-2020
Kuiper EJN, de Bresser JHP, Drury MR, Eichler J, Pennock GM, Weikusat I
Using a composite flow law to model deformation in the NEEM deep ice core, Greenland – Part 2: The role of grain size and premelting on ice deformation at high homologous temperature.
The Cryosphere, 14, 2449–2467. 2020
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.5194/tc-14-2449-2020
Ryu Y, Ahn J, Yang JW, Brook EJ, Timmerman, A, Blunier T, Hur S and Kim SJ
Atmospheric nitrous oxide variations on centennial time scales during the past two millennia.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34(9). 2020.
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1029/2020GB006568
Zheng MJ, Adolphi F, Sjolte J, Aldahan A, Possnert G, Wu MS, Chen P and Muscheler R
Solar and climate signals revealed by seasonal Be-10 data from the NEEM ice core project for the neutron monitor period.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 541. 2020
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116273
Erhardt T, Capron E, Rasmussen SO, Schupbach S, Bigler M, Adolphi F and Fischer H
Decadal-scale progression of the onset of Dansgaard-Oeschger warming events
Climate of the Past 15(2): 811-825. 2019
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.5194/cp-15-811-2019
Keegan KM, Albert MR, McConnell JR and Baker I
Climate Effects on Firn Permeability Are Preserved Within a Firn Column
Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface 124(3): 830-837. 2019
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi:
Shigeyama W, Nagatsuka N, Homma T, Takata M, Goto-Azuma K, Weikusat I, Drury MR, Kuiper EJN, Mateiu RV, Azuma N, Dahl-Jensen D and Kipfstuhl S
Microstructural analysis of Greenland ice using a cryogenic scanning electron microscope equipped with an electron backscatter diffraction detector
Bulletin of Glaciological Research 37: 31-45. 2019
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.5331/bgr.19R01
Cook E, Davies SM, Gudmundsdottir ER, Abbott PM and Pearce NJG
First identification and characterization of Borrobol-type tephra in the Greenland ice cores: new deposits and improved age estimates
Journal of Quaternary Science 33(2): 212-224. 2018
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1002/jqs.3016
Han C, Hur SD, Han Y, Lee K, Hong S, Erhardt T, Fischer H, Svensson AM, Steffensen JP and Vallelonga P
High-resolution isotopic evidence for a potential Saharan provenance of Greenland glacial dust
Scientific Reports, 8(1), 15582. 2018
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33859-0
Li J, González JAV, Leuschen C, Harish A, Gogineni P, Montagnat M, Weikusat I, Rodriguez-Morales F, Paden J Multi-channel and multi-polarization radar measurements around the NEEM site.
The Cryosphere, 12, 2689-2705. 2018
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.5194/tc-12-2689-2018
Schupbach S, Fischer H, Bigler M, Erhardt T, Gfeller G, Leuenberger D, Mini O, Mulvaney R, Abram NJ, Fleet L, Frey MM, Thomas E, Svensson A, Dahl-Jensen D, Kettner E, Kjaer H, Seierstad I, Steffensen JP, Rasmussen SO, Vallelonga P, Winstrup M, Wegner A, Twarloh B, Wolff K, Schmidt K, Goto-Azuma K, Kuramoto T, Hirabayashi M, Uetake J, Zheng J, Bourgeois J, Fisher D, Zhiheng D, Xiao C, Legrand M, Spolaor A, Gabrieli J, Barbante C, Kang JH, Hur SD, Hong SB, Hwang HJ, Hong S, Hansson M, Iizuka Y, Oyabu I, Muscheler R, Adolphi F, Maselli O, McConnell J and Wolff EW
Greenland records of aerosol source and atmospheric lifetime changes from the Eemian to the Holocene
Nature Communications, 9(1), 1476. 2018
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03924-3
Eichler J, Kleitz I, Bayer-Giraldi M, Jansen D, Kipfstuhl S, Shigeyama W, Weikusat C, Weikusat I
Location and distribution of micro-inclusions in the EDML and NEEM ice cores using optical microscopy and in situ Raman spectroscopy
The Cryosphere, 11, 1075-1090. 2017
Look up abstract/reprint using doi: 10.5194/tc-11-1075-2017
Orsi A.J, K. Kawamura, V. Masson-Delmotte, X. Fettweis, J. Box, D. Dahl-Jensen, G.D Clow, A. Landais, and J.P. Severinghaus
The recent warming trend in North Greenland
Geophys. Res. Lett., 44. 2017
Look up abstract/reprint using doi: 10.1002/2016GL072212
Skrydstrup M
NATURES OF NATURALISM Reaching Bedrock in Climate Science
Social Analysis 61(2): 47-64. 2017
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.3167/sa.2017.610204
Steen-Larsen HC, Risi C, Werner M, Yoshimura K and Masson-Delmotte V
Evaluating the skills of isotope-enabled general circulation models against in situ atmospheric water vapor isotope observations
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 122(1): 246-263. 2017
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1002/2016JD025443
Steinbach F, Kuiper E-JN, Eichler J, Bons PD, Drury MR, Griera A, Pennock GM, Weikusat I The Relevance of Grain Dissection for Grain Size Reduction in Polar Ice: Insights from Numerical Models and Ice Core Microstructure Analysis.
Frontiers Earth Sci. 5:66. 2017
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.3389/feart.2017.00066
Weikusat I, Kuiper EJN, Pennock GM, Kipfstuhl S, Drury MR
EBSD analysis of subgrain boundaries and dislocation slip systems in Antarctic and Greenland ices
Solid Earth, 2017, 8, 883–898. 2017
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.5194/se-8-883-2017
Jansen D, Llorens M-G, Westhoff J, Steinbach F, Kipfstuhl S, Bons P, Griera A, Weikusat I
Small-scale disturbances in the stratigraphy of the NEEM ice core: observations and numerical model simulations
The Cryosphere, 10, pp 359-370. 2016
Look up abstract/reprint using doi: 10.5194/tcd-10-359-2016
Landais A, Masson-Delmotte V, Capron E, Langebroek P, Bakker P, Stone E, Merz N, Raible C, Fischer H, Orsi A, Prie F, Vinther B & Dahl-Jensen D
How warm was Greenland during the last interglacial period?
CLIMATE OF THE PAST, 12(9), 1933–1948. 2016
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.5194/cp-12-1933-2016
Spolaor A, Vallelonga P, Turetta C, Maffezzoli N, Cozzi G, Gabrieli J, Barbante C, Goto-Azuma K, Saiz-Lopez A, Cuevas CA & Dahl-Jensen D
Canadian Arctic sea ice reconstructed from bromine in the Greenland NEEM ice core
Scientific Reports, 6(1), 33925. 2016
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1038/srep33925
Vollmer MK, Mühle J, Trudinger CM, Rigby M, Montzka SA, Harth CM, Miller BR, Henne S, Krummel PB, Hall BD, Young D, Kim J, Arduini J, Wenger A, Yao B, Reimann S, O’Doherty S, Maione M, Etheridge DM, Fraser, PJ
Atmospheric histories and global emissions of halons H-1211 (CBrClF 2 ), H-1301 (CBrF 3 ), and H-2402 (CBrF 2 CBrF 2 ): HALONS
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(7), 3663–3686. 2016
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1002/2015JD024488
Bonne J-L, Steen-Larsen HC, Clerbaux C, Cesana G, Delmotte M, Fettweis X, Lacour J-L, Masson-Delmotte V, Risi C, Sodemann H, Werner M
The summer 2012 Greenland heat wave : in situ and remote sensing observations of water vapour isotopic composition along an atmospheric river event
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., online publication 2015
Look up abstract/reprint using doi: 10.1002/2014JD022602
Orsi AJ, Kawamura K, Fegyveresi JM, Headly MA, Alley RB & Severinghaus JP
Differentiating bubble-free layers from melt layers in ice cores using noble gases
Journal of Glaciology, 61(227), 585–594. 2015
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.3189/2015JoG14J237
Oyabu I, Iizuka Y, Fischer H, Schüpbach S, Gfeller G, Svensson A, et al.
Chemical compositions of solid particles present in the Greenland NEEM ice core over the last 110,000years
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120 (18), pp 1-25. 2015
Look up abstract/reprint using doi: 10.1002/2015JD023290
Masson-Delmotte V, Steen-Larsen HC, Ortega P, Swingedouw D, Popp T, Vinther BM, Oerter H, Sveinbjornsdottir AE, Gudlaugsdottir H, Box J, Falourd S, Fettweis X, Gallée H, Garnier E, Gkinis V, Jouzel J, Landais A, Minster B, Paradis N, Orsi A, Risi C, Werner M, White JWC
Recent change in north-west Greenland climate documented by NEEM shallow ice core data and simulations, and implications for past-temperature reconstructions
Cryosphere 9, pp 1481-1504. 2015
Look up abstract/reprint using doi: 10.5194/tc-9-1481-2015
Sigl M, Winstrup M, McConnell JR, Welten KC, Plunkett G, Ludlow F, Büntgen U, Caffee M, Chellman N, Dahl-Jensen D, Fischer H, Kipfstuhl S, Kostick C, Maselli OJ, Mekhaldi F, Mulvaney R, Muscheler R, Pasteris DR, Pilcher JR, Salzer M, Schüpbach S, Steffensen JP, Vinther BM, Woodruff TE
Timing and climate forcing of volcanic eruptions for the past 2,500 years
Nature, 523(7562), 543–549. 2015
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1038/nature14565
Sperlich P, Schaefer H, Mikaloff Fletcher SE, Guillevic M, Lassey K, Sapart CJ, Röckmann T & Blunier T
Carbon isotope ratios suggest no additional methane from boreal wetlands during the rapid Greenland Interstadial 21.2: δ 13 C-CH 4 DURING GI-21.2
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29(11), 1962–1976. 2015
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1002/2014GB005007'
Buizert C, Gkinis V, Severinghaus JP, He F, Lecavalier BS , Kindler P, Leuenberger M, Carlson A, Vinther B, White JWC, Liu Z, Otto-Bliesner B, Brook EJ
Greenland temperature response to climate forcing during the last deglaciation
Science 5, vol. 345 (6201) pp 1177-1180. 2014
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.1126/science.1254961
Miteva V., Burlingame C., Sowers T., Brenchley J
Comparative evaluation of the indigenous microbial diversity vs. drilling fluid contaminants in the NEEM Greenland ice core
FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 1-20. 2014
Look up abstract/reprint using doi: 10.1111/1574-6941.12286
Montagnat M, Azuma N, Dahl-Jensen D, Eichler J, Fujita S, Gillet-Chaulet F, Kipfstuhl S, Samyn D, Svensson A, Weikusat I
Fabric along the NEEM ice core, Greenland, and its comparison with GRIP and NGRIP ice cores
Cryosphere, vol. 8, pp 1129-1138. 2014
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/tc-8-1129-2014
Rosen JL, Brook EJ, Severinghaus JP, Blunier T, Mitchell LE, Lee JE, Edwards JS & Gkinis V
An ice core record of near-synchronous global climate changes at the Bølling transition
Nature Geoscience, 7(6), 459–463. 2014
Look up abstract/reprint by using doi: 10.1038/ngeo2147
Steen-Larsen HC, Masson-Delmotte V, Hirabayashi M, Winkler R, Satow K, Prié F, Bayou N, Brun E, Cuffey KM, Dahl-Jensen D, Dumont M, Guillevic M, Kipfstuhl J, Landais A, Popp T, Risi C, Steffen K, Stenni B, Sveinbjörnsdottír A
What controls the isotopic composition of Greenland surface snow?
Clim Past, 10, 377–392. 2014
Look up abstract/reprint using doi: 10.5194/cp-10-377-2014
Sturevik-Storm A, Aldahan A, Possnert G, Berggren A, Muscheler R, Dahl-Jensen D, Vinther BM, Usoskin I
10Be climate fingerprints during the Eemian in the NEEM ice core, Greenland
Scientific Report 4, art. 6408. 2014
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.1038/srep06408
Berggren A-M, Aldahan A , Possnert G, Hansson M, Steen-Larsen H-C, Sturevik Storm A, Mörth C-M, Murad A
Variability of 10Be and δ18O in snow pits from Greenland and a surface traverse from Antarctica
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, vol. 294, pp. 568–572. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/cp-8-2053-2012
Bourne AJ, Davies SM, Abbott PM, Rasmussen SO, Steffensen JP, Svensson A
Revisiting the Faroe Marine Ash Zone III in two Greenland Ice Cores: implications for marine-ice correlations
Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 28(7), pp. 641-646. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.1002/jqs.2663
Binder T, Garbe C, Wagenbach D
Extraction and parameterization of grain boundary networks in glacier ice, using a dedicated method of automatic image analysis
Journal of Microscopy, vol. 250, Pt 2, pp. 130-141. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.1111/jmi.12029
Chappellaz J, Stowasser C, Blunier T, Baslev-Clausen D, Brook EJ, Dallmayr R, Faïn X, Lee JE, Mitchell LE, Pascual O, Romanini D, Rosen J, Schüpbach S
High-resolution glacial and deglacial record of atmospheric methane by continuous-flow and laser spectrometer analysis along the NEEM ice core
Climate of the Past, vol. 9, pp. 2579-2593. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/cp-9-2579-2013
Miteva V, Sowers T, Brenchley J
Penetration of fluorescent microspheres into the NEEM (North Eemian) Greenland ice core to assess the probability of microbial contamination
Polar Biology. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.1007/s00300-013-1409-2
NEEM community members
Eemian interglacial reconstructed from a Greenland folded ice core
Nature, 493, pp 489-494. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.1038/nature11789
Petrenko VV, Martinerie P, Novelli P, Etheridge DM, Levin I, Wang Z, Blunier T, Chappellaz J, Kaiser J, Lang P, Steele LP, Hammer S, Mak J, Langenfelds RL, Schwander J, Severinghaus JP, Witrant E, Petron G, Battle MO, Forster G, Sturges WT, Lamarque JF, Steffen K, White JWC
A 60-yr record of atmospheric carbon monoxide reconstructed from Greenland firn air
Atmos. Chem. Phys., vol. 13, pp 7567-7585. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/acp-13-7567-2013
Quiquet A, Ritz C, Punge HJ, Salas y Mélia D
Greenland ice sheet contribution to sea level rise during the last interglacial period: a modelling study driven and constrained by ice core data
Clim. Past. vol. 9, pp 353-366. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/cp-9-353-2013
Rasmussen S.O., Abbott PM, Blunier T, Bourne AJ, Brook E, Buchardt SL, Buizert C, Chappellaz J, Clausen HB, Cook E, Dahl-Jensen D, Davies SM, Guillevic M, Kipfstuhl S, Laepple T, Seierstad IK, Severinghaus JP, Steffensen JP, Stowasser C, Svensson A, Vallelonga P, Vinther BM, Wilhelms F, Winstrup M
A first chronology for the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) ice core
Clim. Past vol. 9, p. 2713–2730. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/cp-9-2713-2013
Associated data sets are available here
Rhodes RH, Faïn X, Stowasser C, Blunier T, Chappellaz J, McConnell JR, Mitchell LE, Brook EJ
Continuous methane measurements from a late Holocene Greenland ice core: Atmospheric and in-situ signals
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol 368, pp. 9-19. 2013
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Sapart CJ, Martinerie P, Witrant E, Chappellaz J, van de Wal RSW, Sperlich P, van der Veen C, Bernard S, Sturges WT, Blunier T, Schwander J, Etheridge D, Röckmann T
Can the carbon isotopic composition of methane be reconstructed from multi-site firn air measurements?
Atmos. Chem. Phys, vol .13, pp 6993-7005. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/acp-13-6993-2013
Sigl M, McConnell JR, Layman L, Maselli O, McGwire K, Pasteris D, Dahl-Jensen D, Steffensen JP, Edwards R, Mulvaney R, Kipfstuhl S
A new bipolar ice core record of volcanism from WAIS Divide and NEEM and implications for climate forcing of the last 2000 years
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, vol. 118, pp. 1151-1169. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.1029/2012JD018603
Steen-Larsen HC, Johnsen SJ, Masson-Delmotte V, Stenni B, Risi C, Sodemann H, Balslev-Clausen D, Blunier T, Dahl-Jensen D, Ellehøj MD, Falourd S, Gkinis V, Grinsted A, Jouzel J, Popp T, Sheldon S, Simonsen SB, Sjolte J, Steffensen JP, Sperlich P, Sveinbjörnsdóttir AE, Vinther BM, White J
Continuous monitoring of summer surface water vapour isotopic composition above the Greenland Ice Sheet
Atmos. Chem. and Phys. 13(9), pp 4815-4828. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/acp-13-4815-2013
Zuiderweg A, Holzinger R, Martinerie P, Schneider R, Kaiser J, Witrant E, Etheridge D, Petrenko V, Blunier T, Röckmann T
Extreme 13C depletion of CCl2F2 in firn air samples from NEEM, Greenland
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 599-609. 2013
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/acp-13-599-2013
Buchardt SL, Clausen HB, Vinther BM, Dahl-Jensen D
Investigating the past and recent δ18O-accumulation relationship seen in Greenland ice cores
Clim. Past, vol. 8, pp 2053-2059. 2012
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/cp-8-2053-2012
Guillevic M, Bazin L, Landais A, Kindler P, Orsi A, Masson-Delmotte V, Blunier T, Buchardt SJ, Capron E, Leuenberger M, Martinerie P, Prie F, Vinther BM
Spatials gradient of temperature, accumulation and d18O-ice in Greenland over a series of Dansgaard-Oeschger events
Clim. Past. Discuss., vol. 8, p. 5209-5261. 2012
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/cpd-8-5209-2012
Laube JC, Hogan C, Newland MJ, Mani FS, Fraser P, Brenninkmeijer CAM, Martinerie P, Oram DE, Röckmann T, Schwander J, Mills GP, Reeves CE, Sturges WT
Distributions, long term trends and emissions of four perflourocarbons in remote parts of the atmosphere and firn air
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 12, 4073-4100. 2012
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/acpd-12-4073-2012
Landais A, Steen-Larsen HC, Guillevic M, Masson-Delmotte V, Vinther BM, Winkler R
Triple isotopic composition of oxygen in surface snow and water vapor at NEEM (Greenland)
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 77, pp 304-316. 2012
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.1016/j.gca.2011.11.022
Quiquet A, Punge HJ, Ritz C, Fettweis X, Gallée H, Kageyama M, Krinner G, Salas y Mélia D, Sjolte J
Sensitivity of a Greenland ice sheet model to atmospheric forcing fields
The Cryosphere, vol. 6, pp 999-1018. 2012
Look up abstract/reprint using doi: 10.5194/t-6-999-2012
Sapart CJ, Monteil G, Prokopiou M, van de Wal RSW, Kaplan JO, Sperlich P, Krumhardt KM, van der Veen C, Houweling S, Krol MC, Blunier T, Sowers T, Martinierie P, Witrant E, Dahl-Jensen D, Röckmann T
Natural and anthropogenic variations in methane sources during the past two millennia
Nature, vol. 490, pp 85-88. 2012
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.1038/nature11461
Stowasser C, Buizert C, Gkinis V, Chappellaz J, Schüpbach S, Bigler M, Faın X, Sperlich P, Baumgartner M, Schilt A, Blunier T
Continuous measurements of methane mixing ratios from ice cores
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 5, 211-244. 2012
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/amtd-5-211-2012
Sturges WT, Oram DE, Laube JC, Reeves CE, Newland MJ, Hogan C, Martinerie P, Witrant E, Brenninkmeijer CAM, Schuck TJ, Fraser PJ
Emissions halted of the potent greenhouse gas SF5CF3
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., vol. 12, pp 869-885. 2012
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/acpd-12-869-2012
Wolff EW, Bigler M, Curran MAJ, Dibb JE, Frey MM, Legrand M, McConnell JR
The Carrington event not observed in most ice core nitraterecords
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 39, L08503, 5pp. 2012
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.1029/2012GL051603
Battle MO, Severinghaus JP, Sofen ED, Plotkin D, Orsi AJ, Aydin M, Montzka SA, Sowers T, Tans PP
Controls on the movement and composition of firn air at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 18633-18675. 2011
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/acpd-11-18633-2011
Buizert C, Martinerie P, Petrenko VV, Severinghaus JP, Trudinger CM, Witrant E, Rosen JL, Orsi A, Rubino M, Etheridge DM, Steele LP, Hogan C, Laube JC, Sturges WT, Levchenko VA, Smith AM, Levin I, Conway TJ, Dlugokencky EJ, Lang PM, Kawamura K, Jenk TM, White JWC, Sowers T, Schwander J, Blunier T
Gas transport in firn: multiple-tracer characterisation and model intercomparison for NEEM, Northern Greenland
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2011
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/acpd-11-15975-2011
Kjaer HA, Svensson A, Vallelonga P, Kettner E, Schüpbach S, Bigler M, Steffensen JP, Hansson ME
First continuous phosphate record from Greenland ice cores
Clim. Past, vol. 7, pp 3959-3989. 2011
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/cpd-7-3959-2011
Kuramoto T, Goto-Azuma K, Hirabayashi M, Miyake T, Motoyama H, Dahl-Jensen D, Steffensen JP
Seasonal variations of snow chemistry at NEEM, Greenland
Annals of Glaciology, vol. 52, issue 58, pp 193-200. 2011
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.3189/172756411797252365
Steen-Larsen HC, Masson-Delmotte V, Sjolte J, Johnsen SJ, Vinther MB, Bréon FM, Clausen HB, Dahl-Jensen D, Falourd S, Fettweis X, Gallee H, Jouzel J, Kageyama M, Lerche H, Minster B, Picard G, Punge HJ, Risi C, Salas D, Schwander J, Steffen K, Sveinbjornsdottir AE, Svensson A, White J
Understanding the climatic signal in the water stable isotope records from the NEEM shallow firn/ice cores in northwest Greenland
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, Vol. 116, D06108, 20pp. 2011
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.1029/2010JD014311
Svensson A, Bigler M, Kettner E, Dahl-Jensen D, Johnsen S, Kipfstuhl S, Nielsen M, Steffensen JPAnnual layering in the NGRIP ice core during the Eemian
Clim. Past, vol.7, pp 1427-1437. 2011
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/cp-7-1427-2011
Wang Z, Chappellaz J, Martinerie P, Park K, Petrenko V, Witrant E, Blunier T, Brenninkmeijer CAM, Mak JE
The isotopic record of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric carbon monoxide since 1950, implications for the CObudget
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 30627-30663. 2011
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/acpd-11-30627-2011
Witrant E, Martinerie P, Hogan C, Laube JC, Kawamura K, Capron E, Montzka SA, Dlugokencky EJ, Etheridge D, Blunier T, Sturges WT
A new multi-gas constrained model of trace gas non-homogeneous transport in firn: evaluation and behavior at eleven polar sites
Atmos. Chem Phys. vol.11, pp 23029-23080. 2011
Look up abstract/reprint using doi:10.5194/acpd-11-23029-2011
Laube JC, Martinerie P, Witrant E, Blunier T, Schwander J, Brenninkmeijer CAM, Schuck TJ, Bolder M, Röckmann T, van der Veen C, Bönisch H, Engel A, Mills GP, Newland MJ, Oram DE, Reeves CE, Sturges WT
Accelerating growth of HFC-227ea (1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane) in the atmosphere
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 5903-5910, 10.5194/acp-10-5903-2010, 2010.
Final paper at ACR's web page
Manuscripts in prep/review/press approved by the SC
Yuefang L, Chuanjin L, Cunde X, Jiawen R, Xiaolan S
Method for determining total concentrations of Al and Fe in NEEM snow pit samples, northern Greenland
Abstract /restricted access until paper is accepted)
Xiao C, Du Z, Mayewski PA, Handley MJ, Schüpbach S, Li C, Ren J
The bioavailable trace elements in NEEM ice core related to Asian dust records over the past 110 kyr
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