8 June 2011

Tomorrow we have a flight and we are busy preparing

The groomer is an essential tool for getting cargo out of camp and for getting home. Behind the vehicle is a steel beam for leveling and compressing the snow.

Today many in camp worked on preparing for the flight tomorrow. Much work was done on the skiway and the markers were revised. In the science trench they packed ice cores and samples in insulated crates for shipment tomorrow. The ice will stay in the trench, until we are sure the plane has departed Kangerlussuaq. Then the ice will be hoisted up to the surface and placed on a pallet for transport. Drillers and CFA people continue their routine. Now, we keep our fingers crossed for plane, skiway and weather. At dinner we celebrated Sepps birthday. In the evening we saw homemade movies (one by Gregory and Xavier, and one by Martin)and people were well entertained.

What we have done today:
1.  Drilling. Depth: 261.45  m.
2.  Packing ice and preparing for shipment.
3.  Processing NEEM S1 2011 420 m core. Bags 232-253 (127.05 m – 139.15m).
4.  Measuring with CFA system. Measured 24.2 m. Depth: 2478.85m
5.  Placing temperature logger system on pallets for shipment.
6.  Revising skiway markers.
7.  Groomed skiway lengthwise and half apron with beam groomer.
8.  Celebrated Sepps birthday at dinner time. Sarah made a lemon cake for the celebration.
9.  Watched two entertaining movies made by camp staff.

Drillers report: We continue to make good runs with 1.5 m cores.

Ad.4: Gary and Frank will leave the weatherport and some equipment at NEEM for next year. It will overwinter on the cargo line.
Ad.6: Rollers and undulations were removed with dozer blade and Pistenbully.

Weather: Overcast and snow in the morning, later clear. Temp. - 8 °C to -
17 °C , 8 - 4 knots from SSW to SSE. Visibility 3 km, later unrestricted.

FL, J.P. Steffensen

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