A perfect camp
Kiting in the good weather
The new team has now settled in and the camp is just perfect. Drilling is going super, processing is just chewing through the ice, CFA has never been faster, the surface is superb maintained and the cooks produce miracles. On top of this the weather is wonderful. Too much?? Well wish you could have a look!
As the summer temperatures are warming we need to start the cooling tunnels to keep the core buffer below -20 °C and the icebox storage below -24 °C. Efforts are being put into cooling the drill trench and the science trench too. The temperature at the bottom of the borehole is now believed to be around -8 °C and we are hoping the stable drill mode with cores with a length around 3 m can continue in the warm basal ice.
What we have done today:
1. Drilling and core logging ice.
2. Processed deep ice cores.
3. CFA measurements.
4. Worked on keeping the science and drill trenches cold.
5. Moved excess core troughs to garage.
6. Chopped 4 cm of supporting roof beam to allow drill tower to tip.
Drilling: 10.27 m, drillers depth: 2330.71 m
Logging: 10.37m, loggers depth: 2345.96 m
Processing: bag 4138-4177 (21.45 m), 2297.35 m
CFA: bag 3475-3515 (22.55 m) 1933.25 m
Weather: Beautiful day with clear blue sky and low winds (4 kn) from ESE. Temperatures: -18 °C to -6 °C.
FL's Dorthe Dahl-Jensen and Anders Svensson

Big ice crystals in ice core break
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