Successful arrival at NEEM

At 12.33 pm sharp the FOMs in Kangerlussuaq were informed on the radio that the 109th had landed at NEEM and that 16 happy field participants could leave the aircraft in bright sunshine and easy wind after 3 hours flight only. The camp seemed to be in good conditions and shortly after landing field leader Jørgen-Peder Steffensen could give sign to the Hercules that it was okay for them to leave. 1/2 down the skiway the Hercules was airborne and could return back to Kangerlussuaq.
In the very last minute the team got company from two members of the Konrad Steffens group that was planned to arrive to NEEM on Thursday via Thule in a Twin-Otter. Tuesday it was informed that the Twin-Otter had technical problems and wouldn't be able to make the flight as planned – the NEEM group managed to squeeze in two of the members in the Hercules and the rest of the group will join them later on by the Twin-Otter.
Arrival to the NEEM camp was scheduled to Tuesday 27th of April, but due to several delayed flights between Copenhagen and Kangerlussuaq the week before, some important cargo had not yet arrived. The extra day in Kangerlussuaq was spent going through equipment, packing and repacking to reduce the weight of the two pallets that were to go to NEEM and putting up the radio antenna on the roof of the KISS building.
We are very much looking forward to bringing news directly from the NEEM camp into your computer tomorrow!
Weather in NEEM camp: bright sunshine, 10 knots, -27°C
Weather in Kangerlussuaq: scattered high clouds, 10 knots, +5°C
Ps. First mosquito observed on Tuesday afternoon!
The radio antenna is put up on the roof of the KISS building
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