Dome construction and excavating the drill trench

The outer panels are arranged at the construction site.
Construction of the main dome continues. Today we almost finished the 1st floor. A lot of wood had to be cut, handled and nailed down. Soon we will be ready to mount the outer panels, so the dome interior can be sealed off from the elements.
After some small adjustments and repairs, the snow blower now works even better than before the crash. Gaël and Peter are our valiant excavators. They are now deeper than 5 m, and the system of blowing snow through openings in the roof works fine.
We have had contact with the GRIT traverse. This traverse carries cargo from Thule to Summit. Our NEEM camp is on their route and half way for them. We expect them to show up Saturday morning.
What we have done today:
- Blowing drill trench, now more than 5 m deep.
- 1st floor of Main Dome almost finished.
- Small repairs on snow blower.
- Pulling all pallets with dome panels to construction site, and made panel inventory.
- Removing material from under snowdrifts.
Weather: Until 16.00, overcast, -7 C, 3 knots from S. Visibility: 3 miles. Thick clouds and snow. After 16.00 blue sky, -12 C, 12 knots from SE, visibility unlimited.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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