11 June 2008
Dome construction

The floor people are laying the beams for the floor.
Today we mounted the ground floor of the main dome, and began construction of the 1st floor. Once this floor is in, we can use it as support of our scaffold to mount the very top to the dome structure. The top has been assembled on the ground, and tomorrow we will use the crane to lift it up. For the crane to reach, we have made a snow hill for it next to the dome. The broken snow blower has been repaired, and tomorrow we will continue excavating the drill trench.
What we have done today:
- Snow blower repaired.
- Finishing ground floor of Main Dome.
- Assembled top frame for Main Dome.
- Cleaning up camp, removing empty pallets.
- Having a work safety briefing at dinner time.
Weather: All day, blue sky, -8 to -12 C, 8-12 knots from SE and S. Visibility unrestricted. Clouds moved in during the evening.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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