Todays flight did not land
Number ”2” flags on the skiway, From left to right: Sarah, Sverrir, Bruce, Claus, Blair, Sebastian, Gaël and Bill.
Weather this morning was marginal for flying. We had some wind and drifting snow, but it seemed o.k. for receiving a plane. The plane flew over head at 12 o’clock, but because the skiway had not been completely certified, the plane did not attempt to land. We were extremely frustrated, as the plane carried the foundations for the main dome, and as long as we don’t have them, we cannot begin construction.
We carried out other tasks, and in the evening we turned the kitchen into a tailor shop as we cut and stitched big number “2”s onto 8 skiway flags with dental floss, so that our skyway could be certified. Job done, we went out for a group photo on the skyway for documentation.
What we have done today:
- Grooming and tilling taxiways and apron.
- Sorted cargo out and cleaning up in garage.
- Excavating drill trench. This had to be stopped at 16.00 due to too much wind and snow drift.
- Making no “2” flags.
- Waiting for the plane that didn’t come.
Weather: Morning: Broken ceiling , -16 C, winds at 11 knots, from S. 2 miles visibility. Evening: scattered clouds, -17 C, 11 knots from S, unlimited visibility.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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