The weather is fine – we work

Our new Pistenbully grooming the skiway.
Today the weather behaved. We were able to make a small snow hill with hardened snow for the main dome. Tomorrow the feet will be placed and leveled in. The weather allowed for a lot of small tasks to be done, and of course work was done on the three main tasks in camp at this time: Grooming skyway, excavating the drill trench and construction of the main dome. Most people are now fully occupied with these lengthy routine tasks. Now we sincerely hope that the weather will behave during this important construction phase. We are fighting ahead.
What we have done today:
- Grooming and tilling skiway. Grooming taxiways and apron (No new snow, please).
- Made hill ready for main dome.
- Drill trench now 2.3 m deep.
- Installed new SDMO 16 kW generator.
- Rewired whole western side of camp. The Hatz generator is now reserve.
- Finished feet for main dome.
- Maintaining all generators.
- Installed new stainless steel snow melter.
Weather: Morning blue sky, -16 C, winds at 11 knots, from SE. Evening: thin overcast, -17 C, 4 knots from SW, slight fog and 1 mile visibility.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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