We receive another plane

It takes a certain courage to dig snow from skis under a 60 tone aeroplane.
The very doubtful weather from Saturday night continued Sunday morning. We had to cancel the first flight. The weather then cleared unexpectedly – even the forecasters were surprised, so we were able to call in the second plane. It arrived at 14.30, and brought a lot of parts from the dome. We then said good bye to three NEEMers: Jim, Thomas and Hans Christian. Jim and Thomas were part of the original five almost a month ago. The German TV crew also left us. Now we are 9 in camp. After some difficulties in taking off, the plane finally left us at 16.00. The weather really improved, and we got a lot done.
What we have done today:
- Receiving Skier 73.
- Sending out Thomas, Jim and Hans Christian and German TV crew.
- Making hill for main dome.
- Designing and producing foot plates for main dome foundation.
- Setting up wireless weather station at skiway. This is working really fine.
- Changing to a new stove in kitchen.
- Zig zag grooming on skiway.
- Making table for new snow melter.
- Interviews with TV crew.
Weather: Morning thin overcast, -14 C, winds at 5 knots, from S. Light snow. Evening: Blue sky, -21 C, 8 knots from SE, and unlimited visibility.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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