We receive a plane

Digging is completed. Now the crew can go home.
Finally the weather cleared up a bit. The morning had snow showers, but finally at 10 o’clock we were able to call in a plane. It landed at 2 o’clock, just as the weather changed again, and snow began to fall. Three new NEEMers arrived: Bruce, Blair and Bill. Also, a German T.V. crew of four people came visiting. During the stay of the plane, the weather got worse and warmer. As the plane was about to taxi for takeoff it was stuck to the snow. People and air crew scrambled to dig away some snow under the skis, and at 4 o’clock the plane was able to take off. On the plane back to Kangerlussuaq were Liz Morris and Martin Hicknell from Scott Polar and their cargo. They had spent a full week at NEEM. A very happy thing happened to us, as the air crew certified the skiway to a larger payload. Then we celebrated Saturday night. It was a good evening with 16 people in camp.
What we have done today:
- Receiving Skier 73, and digging out Skier 73.
- Sending out Liz and Martin.
- Setting up shower in garage.
- Grooming skiway.
- Blowing snow from drill trench, now 1.5 m deep.
- Unpacking tools in garage.
Weather: Morning thin overcast, -14 C, winds at 5 knots, from S to calm. Snow showers. Evening: Overcast, -9 C, 6 knots from SW, and 2 miles visibility.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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