Bad weather ends (hopefully)

A parked snowmobile next to disappearing food boxes in snow drifts.
The night was very noisy as the wind was pounding on all buildings. Snow drifts grew over night, and the bad weather continued until noon. We had to cancel the flight to NEEM one more time. In the afternoon the clouds went away, and we saw the sun again. The wind eased off a bit, and we started working. We got quite a bit of work done, as the list below will tell. Now we just hope, the weather will behave the next few days.
What we have done today:
- Making shelf system in garage.
- Grooming taxiway and apron.
- Grooming and tilling the skiway.
- Revising all flags on skiway and lead-in lines.
- Digging out all food boxes and cleaning up in camp.
- Old kitchen Weatherport now erected on Mainstreet.
- Repaired electrical stove after damage from wrong wiring. All plates working; but oven is busted.
Claus and Sarah cooked a nice Danish dinner: Minced beef steak with onion, brown gravy and potatoes with apple cake for desert.
Weather: Morning overcast, -8 C, winds at 18 knots, from S. Poor contrast and visibility up to 200 m. Snow and blowing snow, large snowdrifts forming. Evening: scattered clouds, -9 C, 18 knots from S-SE, and 5 miles visibility.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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