2nd plane arrives

Illusions of perspective sometimes illustrate wishful thinking. Photo: Jim Hedfors, NEEM team.
We received the second shipment of construction material today. The plane arrived just after noon and it delivered our new Pistenbully tractor.
Although it was rather warm, -13°C, and winds across the skiway, the operation went well, and the plane left after one hour on the ground. Still we have problems with a bumpy skyway, and therefore the 109th cannot certify the skiway for heavy loads. We therefore have a problem with too much cargo in Kangerlussuaq that needs to go up. We will have to use six flights instead of five to get most of the material into camp.
One of our tracked vehicles developed an oil leak. The leak was found, but it is going to be a complicated repair. We'll wait until the garage has been erected.
The weather was nice all day, and we got a lot of work done.
What we have done today:
- Received Skier 73.
- Moved our outhouse.
- Unpacked arriving cargo.
- Grooming the skiway.
- Building another weatherport and installing bunk beds in three weatherports.
- Finding the oil leak in one of the tracked vehicles.
Weather: It was warm today, -13°C, and almost no wind. It was a pleasure to work outside.
J.P. prepared dinner consisting of spaghetti and sausages.
Field Leader, J.P. Steffensen
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