A fine day spent doing planned tasks.

The NEEM camp on the third day. From left to right: The "tomatoes", the parked vehicles, a dome tent for three persons and the excavated kitchen tent. Photo: Jim Hedfors, NEEM team.
Today was warmer than the past two days, and as there was less wind, work outside was quite comfortable.
The shovel was again the main tool. It takes a lot of shovelling to excavate a heavy sled with cargo. The bottom the sled is 2.5 m down in the snow drift, and for safety reasons you can not remove snow too close to the sled with motorized equipment. To complicate matters even further, it required digging away snow from underneath the sleds to free the skids which were frozen to the base.
An important factor of camp life is to keep your feet warm, and that means wearing dry foot wear. Dry foot wear in turn requires careful planning as drying takes time in the cold.
What we have done today:
- Repaired the snow blower
- Repaired the hydraulics on the blade of a tracked vehicle.
- Excavating the skiway groomer.
- First structure of the NEEM camp erected: A 10' x 10' weatherport.
- Grooming the skiway.
- Excavated and hauled the remaining three big sleds up on the surface. We now have access to all cargo stored on the sleds.
- Continued re-flagging the skiway.
Ad. 3: While excavating the groomer, a small snow blower course was held with particular emphasis on work safety procedures in snow blowing.
Ad. 4: We excavated the weatherport pallet from last year and pulled it to the construction site.
Weather all day: Blue sky, -21°C, 3 m/s winds from 230 M.
The evening was really nice as the wind almost died out. We worked to 22:00, and everybody feels fine. Crew is now tired of pizza for dinner.
Field Leader, J.P. Steffensen
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