The second LC-130 flight to EGRIP

The completed 2015 EGRIP camp.
Today we had the second LC-130 flight to EGRIP. It carried very little cargo; but we got a good amount of fuel. We now have enough for the rest of the season and enough for opening camp next year in a safe way.
The skiway is still young (no hardened sole underneath the surface) so the plane had some difficulty getting airborne. The good weather didn’t help either, as temperature was relatively high and the weak wind came across the skiway.
The carpenters garage is now finished, and this means that EGRIP camp (2015 version) is complete. We have rebuilt everything what we took down at NEEM.
It also means that we have passed the phase where we have been a bit sensitive to bad weather. Now we have shelter for work outside. Joel, Mathias, Paul and Helle did the garage construction.
This afternoon, Helle went on a long snowmobile drive to set up the strain net around EGRIP. She is about half way.
After an excellent dinner cooked by Kim (reindeer) we enjoyed a movie together.
What we have done today:
1. Received Skier 21. It brought 5925 liter fuel.
2. Carpenters garage now completed. EGRIP construction completed.
3. Rebuilding the interior of mechanics garage, and restocking.
4. Work on placing and positioning strain net around EGRIP
Ad 1: The new skiway was even, but soft, and as there was no wind to help the plane get airborne, it had to try five times to get airborne. In the last attempt starting rockets were fired.
Weather: Beautiful day. Temp. – 12°C to -23°C, 1-3 m/s from WNW. Visibility: Un-restricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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