A busy day – the first LC-130 flight to EGRIP

Pat is heading off towards Summit. Anna and Nanna are waving from their porch.
Today we had the first LC-130 flight to EGRIP, because of it a lot changed in camp.
Dorthe left to Kangerlussuaq to help out as field Operations Manager. In her stead came Kim Ernst, the cook from Restaurant Roklubben in Kangerlussuaq. We enjoyed Kim’s musk-ox stew for dinner.
Also, we got fuel, and this allowed Pat to leave EGRIP and head for Summit with his sled and tractor. On board the sled are Nanna and Anna, who will do radar studies of the snow layers while en-route to Summit. It is also planned to set-up Hugh Corrs radar at the head of the East Greenland ice stream.
The rest of the group continued constructing camp, and the frame for the last garage is now up. Soon we will have shelter for most of our equipment over winter.
What we have done today:
1. Received Skier 12. It brought 3424 liter fuel.
2. GrIT sled traverse departed for Summit at 16.30.
3. Carpenters garage frame now completed.
4. Groomed skiway.
5. Preparing floor in mechanics garage.
6. Working on DTU Space automatic station.
Ad 1: The new skiway was even, but soft, and as there was no wind to help the plane get airborne, it had to try three times to get airborne. In the last attempt starting rockets were fired.
Weather: Beautiful day. Temp. – 13°C to -24°C, 1-3 m/s from WNW. Visibility: Un-restricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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