It is Sunday; but we have a flight tomorrow

The composed GrIT sled. The yellow tent is camp for two persons. The little white tent is measurement hut for the radar, which will be active while driving.
Although it is Sunday, here is no rest for the wicked.
We have been busy making things ready for the plane tomorrow. Preparation of the skiway and apron lasted almost until midnight. We made a pallet ready with ice samples and the bore hole logger, which now is heading to our colleagues in the Renland project.
Today was also a special day, at noon precisely, the dome was pulled into camp to its final parking spot in camp.
The weather continues to be good, so at 16.30 we were invited to a picnic at the GrIT sled where Nanna and Anna showed us their camp and their setup. They will accompany Pat when he drives tractor and sled to Summit camp some 410 km away.
The foundation for the carpenters garage is laid, and tomorrow we will begin assembling the structure.
We toasted for Pat at dinner. Pat has been an invaluable asset for the traverse team. By the same token, we want to extend our sincere gratitude to the GrIT team and the U.S. National Science Foundation. Without their help, the traverse would not have been possible.
What we have done today:
1. Finished grooming skiway. Finished grooming of apron.
2. Made GrIT sled ready for departure to Summit.
3. Laid foundation for carpenters garage.
4. Packing pallet with retro cargo.
5. Pulled fuel pump and tank to apron.
6. Moved dome to final position.
7. Removed all traverse protection of items in dome.
8. Tested radar and camp configuration on GrIT sled. Ready for departure.
Ad 1: Only northern side of apron is groomed.
Weather: Beautiful day. Temp. – 13°C to -28°C, 2-4 m/s from W. Visibility: Un-restricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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