First Saturday evening at EGRIP

The finished mechanics garage. Construction site for carpenters garage is to the right.
We completed the mechanics garage, and the construction team had a good feeling of accomplishment.
Skiway grooming is also complete. The skiway will be inspected tomorrow, when the snow has set and hardened.
Nanna and Anna have raised a tent on one of the platforms on the GrIT sled that Pat is making ready. They will live there during the four days it will take to reach Summit.
We had good news today: We will receive three flights next week, and this means that camp will have fuel and Pat will have fuel for his drive to Summit.
Dorthe cooked a lovely dinner for us, and for the first time in weeks, people could celebrate Saturday night in a relaxed fashion.
Tomorrow at noon the dome will move for the last time this year as we pull it to its designated place in the EGRIP camp.
Weather is absolutely gorgeous and this afternoon, we could enjoy a beer sitting in the sunshine. The sun warms you, even at -15°C, when there is no wind. We find, that the move from NEEM to EGRIP has put us in a better place.
What we have done today:
1. Finished grooming skiway. Grooming of apron in progress.
2. Made GrIT sled ready for departure to Summit.
3. Mechanics garage completed.
4. Snow sampling.
5. Repaired fuel pump.
6. Packed British Antarctic Survey, Hugh Corr, radar for traverse.
7. Celebrated Saturday night.
Ad 2: Nanna and Anna have made a camp on the GrIT sled. They will measure with radar along the traverse path and thus join Pat on his way to Summit.
Weather: Beautiful day. Temp. – 15 C to -27 C, 1-3 m/s from W. Visibility: Un-restricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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