Slowly getting into camp routine again

Grooming the new skiway
We have to get used to a dome that doesn’t move, but it is a good feeling, and we can eat two hot meals a day.
Today, the team split into several task groups: Pat maintained and repaired the Case tractor and began checking the GrIT sled, which is now empty except for Pats stuff. Sverrir worked the berm for the carpenters garage and the future site for the dome. Dorthe cooked lovely meals and Anna and Nanna placed skiway markers and maintained the Hugh Corr radar. Paul, Helle, Mathias and Joel built garages, Sepp documented camp activities and J.P. groomed the skiway.
Our work is in good progress and the fine weather helps.
In the evening there were science talks where the group members exchanged recent results. Finally we saw a movie on the NGRIP drilling from 1999 and 2000.
What we have done today:
1. Finished marking entire skiway system.
2. Un-loaded last items on GrIT sled.
3. Repair and maintenance of CASE tractor.
4. Construction of Mechanics garage in progress.
5. Finishing berm for future carpenters garage and foundation for dome.
6. Unloaded parts for carpenters garage at construction site.
7. Checked British Antarctic Survey, Hugh Corr, radar.
8. Groomed skiway, 2nd time (zig-zag) with dozer blade.
Weather: Beautiful day. Temp. – 17°C to -26°C, 2-5 m/s from WSW. Visibility: Un-restricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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