Continue stowing on sleds

A plan for the traverse convoy outlining a combination of tractors and sleds.
As the NEEM camp was vacated, we placed our cargo in a cargo line next to our sleds. In the last few days, this cargo line has dwindled, and very few things remain to be stowed. A work crew mounted plastic front runners on two fuel tanks, and another excavated the 30 m heating pipes between the former generator and main dome sites.
We had Greenlandic reindeer for Saturday night supper, which Dorthe had prepared, and dessert prepared by Paul. It was a fine and relaxed evening. Anxiety grows as we approach departure from NEEM.
What we have done today:
1. Almost finished stowing sleds.
2. Mounted plastic runners on two fuel tanks.
3. Placed Caterpillar on heavy sled.
4. Recovered heating pipes from old generator site to old dome site.
5. Saturday night dinner. Contact with our colleagues on the Renland Ice cap at
19.00 local (21.00 Renland time).
Ad.5: The Renland team reports all well, a good mood and being busy in a good way.
Weather has been dominated by fog and 100 m visibility. Temperatures at -8 °C. The main drill reached 85 m depth. The shallow drill system reached 71 m depth and the U.S. firn air sampling ended as close off depth was reached. The crew now prepares the second planned shallow coring.
NEEM weather: Clear all day. Temp. – 17 °C to -26 °C, 3 - 5 m/s from S. Visibility: Unrestricted.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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