Main dome took the first slide towards a new home.

The dome is pulled to the former apron in a gentle curve.
Today was a momentous day, a day anticipated with a slight nervousness. After more chopping ice away from the main dome skis, we were ready to insert inflatable jacks under the skis. After few seconds, the skis popped clear of the ice.
Then the steering rods were mounted on the skis and at 15.20 the U.S. GrIT tractor winched the dome clear. It was dragged up from its 5 m deep hole to the surface along a 70 m long ramp, then pulled in a gentle curve to the former apron some 500 m away.
We now have a completely new perspective from the dome windows. Immediately thereafter we pulled the generator to the dome, and then drove the vehicles to the dome.
The former NEEM camp site is now all but vacated. We now need to stow our sleds and do a final clean up at NEEM before we leave. It was a happy crew that toasted to the success of operations so far.
What we have done today:
1. Removed the last ice from the main dome skis, and popped the skis free with
air pillow jacks.
2. At 15.20 moved main dome up the ramp to the surface and pulled it in a
gentle curve to the former apron. It is now pointing towards EGRIP.
3. Moved generator, tomatoes and all vehicles to former apron.
4. Good dinner with a toast and cakes decorated with dome and tractor.
5. Contact with our colleagues on the Renland Ice cap at 19.30 local (21.30
Renland time).
Ad.3: The former NEEM camp site is now vacated. We now need to stow the sleds and clean up the camp area.
Ad.5: The Renland team reports all well, a good mood and being busy in a good way. Weather has been snowy with winds at 12 m/s from south and -11 °C. The main drill reached 37 m depth, even with testing a new inner core barrel. Core processing (logging, cutting and ECM) is in progress. The shallow drill system reached 57m depth and the U.S. firn air sampling continues.
NEEM weather: Clear during the day, low overcast and fog in the evening. Windy day. Temp. – 15 °C to -26 °C, 3 - 11 m/s from S. Visibility: In the morning unrestricted, later 1 km. Some drifting snow.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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