Packing, packing and moving snow.

The dome before excavation. Note, how the snow stays away from this spherical building
From the morning it was all hands on deck. The mechanics garage was emptied and all boxes were staged next to our large sleds for later stowing. We have sorted the cargo in a group that can stay all the way to EGRIP and a group that we’ll need access to on the way. Everybody was busy chopping ice to free the cover of the garage.
Weather forecast for tomorrow predicts higher winds, and therefore it was important to take the cover down today and pack it. Sverrir began clearing the area around the main dome by moving a huge amount of snow. There is quite a lot of ice in the snow around the dome, so tomorrow we will begin to cut free the skis under the dome with chainsaws.
At dinner tonight there was a very good mood, and everybody had a good feeling of accomplishment.
What we have done today:
1. Fitting a meter on the fuel pump, so we can keep track on fuel consumption
during traverse.
2. Emptying mechanics garage.
3. Taking down mechanics garage. Now only the bottom frame and arches
4. Removing snow around main dome down until bottom of blue ring. We now have
to use a ladder to enter.
5. Packed borehole logger.
6. A tired and happy crew at dinner tonight.
7. Contact with our colleagues on the Renland Ice cap at 20.30 local (22.30
Renland time).
Ad.7: The Renland team reports all well and a good mood. Weather is fine, but warm (-8 C). Today they powered the freezer for the ice cores, and it is stable at -25 C. The drill tent is outfitted with furniture and equipment, and the drill is in place. Main drilling will begin tomorrow. The shallow drill system has begun operations, and the first U.S. firn air sampling has been done at 10 m depth. Construction of the kitchen is completed.
NEEM weather: Mostly clear, broken low clouds and haze in the evening. Temp. – 19 °C to -25 °C, 3-6 m/s from S. Visibility: In the morning unrestricted, later 1 km.
FL, J.P. Steffensen

The dome before excavation. Note, how the snow stays away from this spherical building.
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