Science and packing down

Joel and J.P. beginning to take down carpenters garage.
The recovery of garages, sleds, fuel tanks and the contents of the balloon trench from the grip of three years of snow and ice accumulation is almost over.
Today was the time where several people could begin their scientific projects around NEEM.
Paul and Helle were doing pit studies of the topmost annual layers, Anna and Nanna were making adjustments to the ice radar and GPS setup, Sepp was taking snow samples and Dorthe and Sverrir were setting up the equipment for measurements in the 2538 m deep NEEM borehole.
Still organizing cargo for stowage on the sleds, maintaining sleds and emptying garages to take them down is also important (Pat, Sverrir, Mathias, Joel and J.P.). We plan to take down the carpenters garage tomorrow, weather permitting.
One big excavation job remains however, and that is to excavate the main dome and make a ramp for pulling it to surface. Soon we will begin this work, again if weather permits it.
What we have done today:
1. Maintenance and adjustment of the GrIT sled.
2. Setting up equipment for borehole logging.
3. Performing a pit study.
4. Working on operating the GPR radar and GPS.
5. Emptied carpenters garage, and began to take it down.
6. Excavated the last two fuel tanks and pulled them to camp.
Weather: Mostly thin, broken cloud cover. Temp. – 21°C to -29°C, 6-8 knots from S. Visibility: Mostly 1-3 km. Few light snow showers and slight fog.
We are 10 NEEMers and 1 GrIT mechanic/driver in camp.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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