The stubborn snow lost, all sleds free

The excavated GrIT carpet sled, just before it is pulled to camp. On the left side are three load platforms, and on the flat right side we will place bladders with fuel during the traverse.
With a Pistenbully mechanic in camp, the assembly of the new Pistenbully is completed.
Today was the first day in action for this vehicle. It pushed snow in from to the GrIT sled. Some of the snow piled on top of the GrIT sled turned out to be so very resilient that our snowblower was often not enough and we had to resort to using chainsaws. In the afternoon, the sled was free, and Pat was able to tug it to camp.
Now all sleds are free and ready to be loaded.
The GLISN team finished their work on maintaining their equipment with lifting of their equipment box at their GPS site to surface.
Some of our work today was recorded using a video camera on a drone. Dorthe is the operator, and her footage was quite spectacular. We ended the day watching a movie with Dorthes aerial shots as a trailer.
What we have done today:
1. New Pistenbully assembled and ready.
2. Lifted GLISN relay station to surface. GLISN maintenance is finished.
3. Removed last tough snowcover from GrIT sled and pulled it to camp.
4. Began excavation of the ramp to balloon trench.
5. Recording activities in camp with video from a drone.
Weather: Mostly Clear. Temp. – 23 °C to -38 °C, 5-10 knots from SE turning to SSE. Visibility: Mostly to horizon with periods of haze in the morning. Between 16.00 and 19.00, clouds from S and a jump by 10 degrees in temperature.
We are 10 NEEMers, 2 GLISN, 1 GrIT and 1 Kaesbohrer mechanic in camp.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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