Hack, saw, whack and dig

A tired, but happy crew enjoys dinner
Today’s headline covers the working life of most in camp today.
The two garages, the sleds and the GrIT tractor have not only been encased in snowdrifts; but also in pure ice from melting in the summer of 2014. Several work teams spent the day with shovels, spades, chainsaws and sledgehammers. These were the tools needed to free the garages, sleds and vehicles from the icy grip of the snowdrifts. At the end of the day, both garages are almost free, the GrIT tractor is moving, and all heavy sleds are now pulled to camp.
What remains before we can pack down NEEM camp for good, is to excavate the GrIT sled and excavate the main dome and pull it to surface.
We also groomed the skiway in anticipation of the last planned LC-130 landing at NEEM. The plane is scheduled for tomorrow, and we hope this mission will be successful. It brings our new Pistenbully tractor that we need in order to pull the entire camp to the EGRIP.
At dinner tonight there were many tired arms and shoulders. The day ended with a movie and small talk.
What we have done today:
1. Freeing the mechanics garage from snow and ice.
2. Excavating the remaining heavy sled from its hill.
3. Cleaning the sled (there are now 7 cleaned heavy sleds in camp).
4. Excavation of GrIT sled in progress.
5. Maintaining GLISN site.
6. Groomed ski landing area, taxiway and apron.
Sunday weather: Clear all day. Temp. – 28 °C to -34 °C, 10-14 knots from SE. Visibility: To horizon.
We are 10 NEEMers, 2 GLISN and 1 GrIT personnel in camp.
FL, J.P. Steffensen
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