First Saturday night and a birthday

Cutting and hammering ice away from the garage
This is the first day in camp for more than half of the people here; but everybody was hard at work.
The first steps of preparing the traverse are to activate all tractors, dismantle the garages and making all heavy sleds ready for the trip.
Today, three work groups were assigned tasks. One group used chain saw, sledgehammers, shovels and spades to free the base along the walls of the carpenters garage which have been encased in ice from melting last year.
Another group excavated the U.S. tractor, and the third group removed snow from the heavy sleds as they were pulled to camp.
It is a bit tough to be working outside in the low temperatures and a persistent wind. At the end of the day, however, there was a good moment. It is Nanna’s birthday and Dorthe had prepared lamb roast with potatoes and vegetable salad.
What we have done today:
1. Excavating the GrIT tractor.
2. Pulling sleds with cargo from their three year storage to camp.
3. Freeing the base of carpenters garage from ice and snow.
4. Preparing Saturday night dinner and birthday celebration.
5. Removing snow and ice from the freed sleds.
Saturday weather: Clear all day. Temp. – 28 °C to -34 °C, 10-14 knots from SE. Visibility: To horizon.
We are 10 NEEMers, 2 GLISN and 1 GrIT personnel in camp.
FL, J.P. Steffensen

Removing snow from sleds pulled from storage
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