13 June 2009

Saturday again

A snowflake. Sepp caught falling snowflakes last night, and here is one of
the beauties.

A snowflake. Sepp caught falling snowflakes last night, and here is one of the beauties.

With the drilling going fine with at good rate of descent and the core processing picking up speed, there was good cause to celebrate Saturday night and spending some time in each other’s company.
The main snow melter had difficulty in keeping up converting snow into water for showers and dish washing. Dinner was a fine affair with everybody clean and dressed up for the occasion. Food was excellent, a lot of Swiss specialties, of course including the notorious Swiss cheese. During dish washing, the dish washer stopped. The trouble was located to a circuit breaker, which hadn’t tripped, but one phase was out. Having fixed this, the party could go on. Some people chatted, listened to music, danced or played table soccer, others were using the opportunity to catch up on rest and sleep.

What we have done today:

  1. Drilling with the NEEM long drill.
  2. Logging. Last bag: 715. Depth: 393.25 m.
  3. Processing 2008 shallow core. Processed depth: 63.25 m.
  4. Removing Picarro instruments from air sampling site. Preparing to mount two Picarros on roof of CFA lab.
  5. The whole western end of camp was leveled and cleaned, and holes from raised cargo were filled.
  6. Excavated cooling tunnel.
  7. Saturday night dinner was prepared by our Swiss group. We had a lot of very fine Swiss specialties.

Ad.1: This is how the drillers report looks today:
“Stable drilling. We drilled 17.60 m in 5 runs, drillers depth 380.36 m.”

Weather: Fine all day. -20 °C to -13 °C, 5-10 knots mainly from SE.
Visibility: Unrestricted.

FL, J.P. Steffensen

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