Policy for use and handling of pictures/recordings

Prepared for the SC meeting by Sune Olander Rasmussen, Copenhagen, olander@gfy.ku.dk. Final version adopted by the SC February 1, 2009.

All persons, including visitors, going to Greenland as part of the NEEM field campaign implicitly give their consent to the following use of pictures/recordings by accepting to participate in the field campaign. Additional rules or limitations may be enforced by the field leader in special cases.

Participants appearing on pictures and in recordings:

The NEEM field work participant approves use of digital and analogue pictures, filmed material, and sound recordings made during the NEEM campaign (defined here as the period from arrival in Greenland until departure from Greenland) in which the participant appears.
The approved use comprises, but is not limited to, use on the internet, in print, in television broadcasts, but only applies to material depicting field participants during work and daily life situations.

Any field member may withdraw this consent for any given photo or film sequence without further explanation.

Pictures/recordings depicting participants in situations not mentioned above should never be made public without explicit consent from all recognizable persons on the pictures/recordings. Field members taking pictures or making film and/or sound recordings must accept to delete pictures/recordings if requested to do so by a participant that appears in the material.

Rights of use

When material is shared with other field participants or uploaded to field computers, the photographer by doing so gives permission for the material to be used by the NEEM project. Photographers wanting personal acknowledgment must make sure that their pictures are named with the photographer's name as the last part of the file name, e.g. "NEEM-main-dome-4-July-2008-Sune-Olander -Rasmussen.jpg"

Material produced as part of the field campaign or obtained from participants can be used by all NEEM collaborators crediting the NEEM project as a community: "Photo/Source: NEEM ice core drilling project, www.neem.ku.dk". For media files containing the name of the photographer, use the credit line with the name of the photographer included, e.g. "Photo/Source: Sune Olander Rasmussen, NEEM ice core drilling project, www.neem.ku.dk".

The original photographer retains the rights to any other use of the material, including any commercial use.